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Schematics Lenovo ideapad 110-15ISK BIWP4/P5 LA-D562P REV: 2.0

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Laptop Brand
Laptop Model No
Lenovo ideapad 110-15ISK BIWP4/P5
Laptop Motherboard No
LA-D562P REV: 2.0
Lenovo ideapad 110-15ISK
Model: 80ud
Board no: BIWP4/P5 LA-D562P REV: 2.0

The schematic should match with the board

Please take photo of the motherboard and upload the motherboard photo in the motherboard photo section ( https://laptechinfo.com/categories/laptop-photo.61/ ), that will be useful to others and to you also in future.
:) thank you
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